In prayer, I was asking our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus about a person that I know── a man who does have great knowledge in the living word of God; who is a marvelous teacher of the glorious New Covenant of our Lord Jesus ── a man that I love. Yet, is narcissistic and is slipping in many areas concerning the precepts of the LORD God, and the fruits of God’s Spirit are beginning to wane in their illumination. “What,” I asked our Lord Jesus, “will become of him?” As soon as I asked this question – the Spirit reminded me of our Lord Jesus’ words. His living words flashed in my mind. The Book of Matthew chapter 5.
I believe it is verse 19. “’ Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom [from] heaven; …’”
Just last July 2023, I did a sermon entitled “You Were Born To Rule!” And, we also have on our website,, a morning Bible study that can help you better understand the fact that all men - meaning, all of you ladies and gentlemen, were born to one day be a co-ruler with our Lord Jesus Christ. In some certain capacity.
Often, brethren, we are allowed to be placed in situations with people── because we need to learn how to handle the situation the LORD God’s Way ── as a future ruler would.
Have you ever thought about what your job or position might be in the glorious kingdom of God? About what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ── the King of kings and the Lord of lords── will have you be doing in His Millennial Reign!? And, how you must qualify for that responsibility?
First and foremost let me say that salvation is a gift from the LORD God── it is a gift and we can never earn it.
But, we can lose it.
Since eternal salvation is something you can lose, then logically the LORD God has set rules and laws, as well as conditions, that we must adhere to to receive the glorious gift of eternal salvation. Do you know what those rules, laws, and conditions are?
Unfortunately, I mentioned this not long ago when I was speaking about the Nicolaitans, and how it became apparent to me that “the Nicolaitans were the greater Body of Christ that actually was disbanded from our Lord Jesus Christ’s “little flock.” That there were (and are) a great many people being thrust out of the Body of Christ. Our Lord Jesus says of those who perish. And, let's turn in our Bibles today - beginning in the Book of Matthew, this time chapter 25.
Beginning in verse 29.
Verse 30.
Now, What is this ‘outer darkness’ that our Lord Jesus is speaking? In an ethical sense – people thus face a choice of whether to yield allegiance to the LORD God OR TO DARKNESS, meaning ignorance of the LORD God and of God’s Way.
We need to ask ourselves ── what made this servant here that our Lord Jesus was speaking of unprofitable? Wherein had this servant failed?
The very answer begins in verse 21.
Verse 21.
And He repeats it in verse 23.
The unprofitable servant was not faithful in carrying out the few duties that were given to him in this life. He had not learned to master his human nature, had not learned how to properly treat others – like a future ruler would – even though he knew better!
Truly, all the unprofitable servant will be able to say to his Lord is, and we see it in verses 24 and 25 -
Verses 24.
Verse 25.
In other words, the unprofitable servant might think that it is profitable for him to try and proselytize or spiritually influence a young man (a young man that may not have a calling from Father God) In other words, a young man that in fact the LORD God isn’t even calling out of this present evil age yet. And this unprofitable servant is becoming obsessed and fixated on this young man, instead of ... and I want to turn and read to you what I have in my thoughts here...
1st Thessalonians chapter 5. Truly, the unprofitable servant shouldn't be so fixated on a young man that our LORD God may not even be calling. And instead, notice verse 11 of 1st Thessalonians chapter 5.
Verse 11.
Verse 12.
Truly, something that an unprofitable servant that I have in mind has not done since around the year 2019.
This unprofitable servant ── as an example ── might be narcissistic. And he lives with an inflated sense of self-importance and an insatiable drive to be liked and to be at the center of attention. Satan will capitalize on these traits and tempt him to compromise his morals and values. This unprofitable servant became careless about his responsibilities as being an ambassador for Christ ── above reproach. And sadly, this unprofitable servant will be judged.
Now, beginning in the Millennium Reign of our Lord Jesus, the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords, there will be different levels of responsibility.
Just like the responsibilities we hold today within the Body of Christ ── as in “He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,” we don’t all hold the same rule or authority. Some of us, brethren, have a greater amount of God's Spirit than others, some of us a given greater responsibility than others. And, in the glorious kingdom of God, there will be different levels of responsibilities. As an example: we will not be rulers of the tribes of Israel, this rulership will go to “the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” We will not be the ruler of the reunified House of Israel, that will be the resurrected King David. We will not all have the same office. We will not all face the same duties.
Let us notice briefly the letters our Lord Jesus wrote to His Church ── through His servant John ── in the 2nd and 3rd chapters of the Book of Revelation.
So, in the Book of Revelation, chapter 1. Notice at the end of each of the seven churches there is a definite promise for the whole of the Body of Christ.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is saying here, in this Book of prophecy – the Book of Revelation is a Book of prophecy –
Notice verse 1 of chapter 1.
Talking about the end-time! The Book of Revelation is a Book which was only to be understood in the end-time. And now that we’re in, or rather near, the end-time, it’s starting to be understood. And chapters 2 & 3 – although He’s talking about an earlier group of people, the former. It’s also a prophecy about the latter. About the latter days. This is an end-time prophecy.
Revelation chapter 2. Beginning in verse 7.
Now the LORD God said to the prophet Ezekiel, ‘those that will hear, let them hear, and those that refuse let them refuse.’ Once again, we see that principle.
Then, He talks about another group, Smyrna. Notice verse 10.
Again, verse 11.
In verse 12 He begins speaking to another group ── Pergamos.
Verse 12.
This "two-edged sword" - that’s the very words of Jesus Christ!
Verse 13.
‘I know what you’ve gone through, I know what I have assigned you to be doing in this lifetime.’
In other words, our Lord Jesus knows that His servants dwell on the Earth (where Satan’s throne is)!
Verse 13.
Our Lord Jesus is saying, in essence, ‘I acknowledge and understand that you ── My faithful servants ── are having to live in a world that is falling apart! You’re in a tough place to be called Christian,’ however …
Verse 14.
And Balaam, to make a long story short, it’s the concept of covetousness or greediness. He is saying, ‘There are some among you that are greedy!
Again, dictatorial power over the laity! Well, look up the word Nicolaitans, in your Bible study help’s. Wycliffe Bible Dictionary on the name NICOLAS states, “The name, meaning ‘conqueror of the people.’”
Notice verse 16.
Again, He will fight against those unprofitable servants with His very words!
Please let this sink in, brethren!
Verse 17.
Verse 18 talks about another church group ── Thyatira. Verse 18, last part.
And, you can turn back to the first chapter, and you see more of how He’s described.
He says in Verse 19.
In other words, with some of His servants ── they have more patience, faith, and service than they do love.
NEVERTHELESS, He continues.
Verse 20.
Verse 21.
But, she wouldn't change her ways.
Verse 22.
Remember the word adultery, in the Bible – adultery, whoredom, whoring around – if you look at the whole context, 90-95% of the time it’s not talking about physical sexual practices against the Way of God, most of the time, it’s referring to spiritual adultery. The worship of false gods and false goddesses.
Let's now turn briefly to chapter 3 of the Book of Revealing.
Verse 1.
Meaning the seven angels looking after those churches.
Continue verse 1.
In other words, spiritually dead.
Verse 2.
Strengthen whatever capacity God’s Spirit to be within you.
Continue verse 2.
Verse 3.
Sadly, it has come to my understanding that this man who does have great knowledge of the living word of God; who is a marvelous teacher of the glorious New Covenant of our Lord Jesus, that every chance he gets he degrades and verbally berates the Church leaders from whom he originally ‘received and heard’! And just as sad ── he does not accept criticism, even when it is constructive and well-intentioned. He becomes defensive, reacts angrily, and refuses to accept any blame.
Notice verse 5.
He also speaks of another group ── Philadelphia.
Verse 7, last part.
The key of David refers to Jesus Christ. Those who do actually have and are directly in contact with our Lord Jesus Christ, and those who do have and are under His authority and His kingdom!
Verse 8.
We are a group that has not denied His name! And we have but a little strength, a pretty small group, but we have kept HIS WORD!
Verse 12.
Like an integral part of the internal leadership of the Kingdom of God.
Continue verse 12.
And then we come to Laodicea.
Verse 14, last part.
Verse 15.
It would be easier for Jesus to know what to do with you - you that is neither cold nor hot.
Verse 16.
'I will spew you, I will reject you from My face!’
Notice verse 21.
And the last part of this WARNING!
Verse 22.
Again, the LORD God said to the prophet Ezekiel, ‘those that will hear, let them hear, and those that refuse let them refuse.’ Once again, we see that principle.
Let us notice that the only ones who have the right to these promises are OVERCOMERS! Those who through the glorious power of God, overcome themselves, overcome this world, and overcome the temptations of wicked spirits in high places.
In conclusion, let's look at Our Lord Jesus’ parable in Luke 19.
Now, to save some time, we don't have to turn there today. But I would like you to take the time to go and read and study intensely this chapter, beginning in verse 11 to verse 27 in regards to our Lord Jesus' parable here concerning a 'certain nobleman who went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and then to return.'
It is certainly dual in nature. The “ten servants” represent the TEN TRIBES OF ISRAEL. The “citizens” here represent the HOUSE OF JUDAH – who expressly repudiated our Lord Jesus’ announcement and said, ‘We have no king but Caesar.’
But, this parable has a dual meaning ── true Christians are also now bondservants of our Lord Jesus. Some OVERCOME some things – and others OVERCOME many things. Some develop their spiritual gifts more than others. So, in our Lord Jesus’ Millennial Rule, some will be given rule over many cities, while others will have qualified to rule only over a few – or perhaps only one.
Who exactly will rule over the cities in the Millennium? It will not be His prophets or the apostles. And it won’t be the 144,000.
The answer is clear from His living word.
The responsibility to guide, control, and help develop an oasis from desert, forests of beautiful trees, clear lakes, streams, and rivers full of fish, or even cities on earth during the Millennium, will be those who have not been called to other duties. The glorious responsibility ── the office ── will be open to all those who OVERCOME!
Some of us, brethren, will have grown spiritually (even unto death) immensely ── learning how to properly rule God’s Way. Some us not so much. IT DEPENDS ON YOU! It depends on whether you are willing to let the LORD God make you ‘into His image and likeness’ – or whether you are a ‘wicked and lazy servant’ – and you resist His corrections.
Truly, not every disciple called became an apostle and was an OVERCOMER ── Judas Iscariot departed from the faith. And, sadly, not every one of us will succeed. Yet, the LORD God’s promises stand firm. We CAN ── if we OVERCOME ── stand together in the glorious Kingdom of God!
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