by Guy C. LaMar
A Satan-Influenced Lie
THINK very hard on this pathetic Satan-influenced LIE.
How can people who claim that the LORD God (the family of God, which at this moment consists of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ) is love──but don’t truly understand Their commandments, ordinances, statutes, and judgments──continue to claim that if one “messes up” that They will “thrown them into a never-ending, unmerciful, hell fire” where they are tortured eternally and cannot die!?
Can you see just how cruel and wicked this evil sounds!?
It’s because that entire doctrine──this Satan-influenced lie──was contrived to deceive mankind into buying a ridiculous lie.
The LORD God’s Plan for all mankind is exceedingly merciful, loving, and gracious.
Not everyone is called to the LORD God’s living truth in this lifetime.
The saints of God are the ones who are called and chosen by Father God as good stewards to His service──who, after the first resurrection, will be placed in positions to help teach those who haven’t come to properly understand the living truth of God.
Certainly, God's saints encounter people who can be a challenge to deal with──to learn their future task in properly dealing with others in the glorious World Tomorrow.
It’s only those people who willingly and blatantly REFUSE TO ACCEPT the LORD God’s will and Way──after being shown and enlightened in God’s living truth──that will be cast in “the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” – Revelation 20:15; 21:7-8. They will be fully consumed and burnt up──burnt to ashes. They will perish for all eternity.
They will be as though they weren’t ever created.
They “shall be ashes under the soles” of the saints in the glorious World Tomorrow.
Certainly, the ashes will be a reminder to all who walk upon their ashes that this is the eternal fate of those who UTTERLY REFUSE to be obedient and do the will of the LORD God.
The LORD God created us for Their purpose──not for our own will, or the will of Satan the Devil.
Now, as for the ones who will be eternally spiritually tortured and tormented!?
That is reserved for Satan the Devil and his demons – Notice:
“The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet [had been cast]. And they will be tormented day and night [ages of the ages – eternal ages].” – Revelation 20:10.
They will be cast into an abyss to be in their own dark misery──certainly blaming each other, accusing each other, hating each other──never-ending their spiritual and mental torture and torment. They are their own destruction and doom.
The Nature of Man
Mankind has a natural nature about themselves that is an enemy against the LORD God – cf. Romans 8:7. It’s called “the carnal mind,” which “is enmity against God” ── or rather, actually hating the LORD God.
Mankind, without the influence of Satan the Devil, still can sin against the LORD God. It’s vitally IMPORTANT that mankind properly understands the will of God, the Way of God, and the Law of God.
When man rejects the will, the Way, or the Law of God, man is rejecting the LORD God!
The very definition of sin is the breaking of the Law of God──which is summed up in the Ten Commandments – cf. 1 John 3:4. It’s not “Jewish law.” It’s not “Roman law.” It’s not the “Code of Hammurabi.” It’s the LAW OF GOD!
And, when man breaks the civil laws of the land──laws that don’t infringe upon the Law of God──they are also breaking the righteous Law of God!
For the LORD God says –
“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities, For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” – Romans 13:1.
Civil authorities were appointed by God as leaders of this world, and He allows civil laws of the land (laws created by mankind) to be placed over nations, countries, and provinces around the world. Breaking those civil laws of the land equates to breaking the Law of God──because the LORD God has established it!
The righteous Law of God is without change. Yet, the civil laws of man change──and most often do.
So, for man to be “unafraid of the authority” of the appointed leaders of the land, man must abide by the civil laws of the land──again, laws that don’t infringe upon the Law of God.
True Christians are to “’ seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness’” ── the very government of God, which has laws. And those laws are the Law of God! True Christians are to desire, seek, and obey the Law of God ── summed up with the Ten Commandments. And, to follow the example of the One who kept the living Law of God perfectly ── our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He is our example of how we are to conduct ourselves in the Law of God.
But the damnable lie of “damnation” ── created by the influence of Satan the Devil ── is nothing more than that. A lie.
Pagan Customs, Rituals, and Beliefs
The pagan teaching that upon death a person “goes to heaven” or “goes to hell” are truly old pagan doctrines. They also are lies. Neither is in the living word of God ── the Holy Bible. These false doctrines are contrary to the living word of God.
Sadly, mankind prefers to believe these lies over the truth of God. And, when man is given an opportunity to see and hear the living truth of God ──what does man do!? They shun themselves from this truth! They do not want to see or hear this truth!
Because ‘according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they heap up for themselves teachers; and they turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables’ – cf. 2 Timothy 4:3-4. They would rather believe a lie.
Mankind would rather live in their traditions ── their ready-made ideologies. They would rather continue what everyone else is doing. They have the Pied Piper Effect. They would rather follow the Pied Piper off a cliff! Follow the lies rather than the living truth of God ── truth that is far superior, and far more rewarding than the lies of Satan the Devil. After all, Satan the Devil is the deceiver of this world ── “to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded” – cf. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4.
True Christians are not deceived anymore by these lies.
“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6.
True Christians obey and follow the will of the LORD God over the abominable lies that Satan the Devil has placed before all mankind. □
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