Thursday, December 26, 2024

Commentary: Does God Accept Lies?

by Guy C LaMar

’ You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.’” – Exodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20.

Does the LORD God (the family of God, which at this time consists of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ) accept lies!?


In fact, the LORD God calls “lying lips an abomination to the LORD” – Proverbs 12:22.

So, never think that substituting customs and days that were originally founded by paganism something that the LORD God is going to accept.

Because it is A LIE!

Xmas is A LIE!

It is not the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It is, however, the supposed birthday of the Pagan sun god──Mithra.

Substituting a pagan god for our Lord Jesus is an abomination.

It is a rotten stinkin’ lie perpetrated by our physical and spiritual enemy──Satan the Devil.

Now, does the overall majority of our peoples actually care?


They would rather live according to their traditions than the living truth of the Eternal One!

Thus, whether you believe it or not, in the authority of Jesus Christ, those people have DISQUALIFIED themselves as being true Christians.

Now, a person can surely claim they are a Christian──until they are blue in the face──but, that does not make them a true Christian.


They are, however, following “the god of this age” ── Satan the Devil and his deceiving way! – cf. 2 Corinthians 4:4.

Now, should we as true Christians, just sit on our hands and not care what this world does? Or, should we DO WHAT THE LORD GOD’S LIVING WORD SAYS! And, ‘Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up [our voices] like a trumpet; Tell [the LORD God’s] people their transgression, AND THE HOUSE OF JACOB THEIR SINS’!? As the LORD tells us we should do! TELL THE HOUSE OF JACOB THEIR LIES!

Doing anything that is not pleasing to the LORD God disrespects the LORD God!

And it’s especially worse when you’ve been shown the living truth of God, and you outright reject the LORD God’s truth──because you would rather be a part of the Babylonish system and fit in.

Well, did our Lord Jesus Christ “just fit in”!?

Absolutely not!

God’s living word tells us NOT to “be conformed to this world,” ── to the ways of this world. – Romans 12:2.

Because, if we love the ways of this world, the love of God is not in us. – 1 John 2:15.

Thus we are a fraud if we DO NOT obey the LORD God, but rather accept the ways of this world──which is ruled by Satan the Devil.

As for me and my household, we will serve the Eternal One. □

Additional Commentaries to Consider

Do Not DespairWhen week after week things are thrown at our peoples that make them more and more weak─ to the point that they become exceedingly fragile, then it is at that point that they are on the very edge of all things.
The Anointing of ClothsJust after the New Testament Church of God was built, the apostles and the evangelists continued the HEALING OF THE SICK, as well as preaching the true gospel!
Familiar TraditionsPeople are used to holding onto their religious traditions over truth and facts because familiar traditions are comfortable to people - but regardless, it doesn't make it truth.
ReligiosityThe LORD God established the languages that we speak.
The Covenant DayIN accordance with the promises that God gave to Abraham, as recorded in Genesis 15:3-6 and Genesis 22:15-18, our Lord Jesus Christ began the New Covenant on Passover day. Therefore the 14th of the 1st month - Passover day - can rightly be called the Covenant Day.
Conspiracy TheoriesIn this commentary, I’d like to address conspiracy theories – and the largest findings in this area are the politically-based forms of conspiracies.
Some Food For ThoughtHERE is just some food for thought.

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