Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Many Abominations Mankind Continues to Embrace

 by Guy LaMar

THE 4th Commandment of the LORD God (the family of God, which at this time consists of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!) to all of MANKIND is to KEEP the Sabbath holy and to REMEMBER that the holy Sabbath also pictures the SEVEN-THOUSAND YEAR PLAN for the redemption of all mankind!

Keep in mind, Exodus 20:10── “But the seventh day is the Sabbath to the LORD your God.” It is the SEVENTH DAY.

Yet, the overall majority of mankind has chosen to forget the LORD God’s 4th commandment!

They would much rather follow the ideologies of mankind──that were originally put in place by Satan the Devil.

Satan is the Great Deceiver. He is the deceiver of the whole world! And, at some point or another in life, all humanity has been deceived by Satan the Devil – cf. 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9.

But by the loving grace of God, a very select few have been called out of this present evil age──this modern Babylonian world system to embrace the TRUTH OF GOD!

All of mankind has taken it upon themselves to choose what day they want to rest instead of what the LORD God says.

Truly, it was the Roman Catholic Church in the second and third centuries that devised the idea of keeping the FIRST DAY of the week instead of the SEVENTH DAY as the LORD God commands.

All the “daughter” churches that came out of the Roman Catholic Church have held on to the doctrine of that Mother Church. Their doctrine of keeping SUNDAY, over the holy Sabbath──the SEVENTH DAY.

Sadly, mankind would rather believe the lie that was indoctrinated into them since childbirth than accept the living truth of the LORD God.

The truth is the HOLY BIBLE!

Yet, servants of Satan the Devil are far more in abundance upon the Earth within false Christianity.

And, Sunday keepers are preaching a false Christ. Thus, they are the churches of an antichrist.

Truly, our Lord Jesus Christ was and is the God that created the Ten Commandments! The very God that instituted the holy Sabbath, and yet foolish and willingly ignorant people continue to accept and believe the lie of Satan the Devil over the TRUTH of God Almighty through the living Word of God──which again is the Holy Bible!

In this present evil age of short attention spans──it is highly unlikely that anyone of the world will ever take the time to truly seek the TRUTH. Instead, they are far more likely to continue embracing their feel-good and fluffy religion over the boldness and truth of the LORD God.

Such as the many abominations they continue to embrace: the consumption of pork.

Mankind continues to twist Scripture to make Scripture say something that it DOES NOT say! So that they can hear whatever their itching ears want – cf. 2 Timothy 4:3.

In reality, all they are doing is proving themselves to be even more boastful and proud servants of Satan the Devil.

They delude themselves that they are servants of God──while in reality they are but servants of Satan the Devil. Sadly, such people are living a lie.

Even the novel biblical readers should know that eating any flesh that is forbidden by the LORD God is also idolatry. And it is not──I repeat, IT IS NOT──talking about the LORD God doing away with Their dietary Law so that you can eat like scavengers!

Truly, if you closely PAY ATTENTION to the people who throughout their lifetime consume the LORD God’s forbidden meats, they eventually end up with severe health issues, i.e. arterial plaque buildup, obesity, gastrointestinal diseases, trichinosis, etc. Living a life contrary to our CREATOR GOD equals DEATH – cf. 1 Corinthians 11:30; Revelation 20:15; 21:8.

Also, the abomination of marking their bodies: tattoos. The LORD God tells us, “’ You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.’” – Leviticus 19:28.

If one does just a little research concerning tattoos they will discover that it is an old pagan practice. So, when a person gets a tattoo they are going against the commandment of the LORD God──and ignorantly following and honoring Satan the Devil. It is a form of pride──which the LORD God hates!

Also, people will tell a “little white lie” and believe that it is all right to do so. Yet, the LORD God says NOT TO──cf. Leviticus 19:11.

Yet, a great many people say that “little white lies” is a well-intentioned untruth. Deliberate and harmless fib, often done to spare someone’s feelings and to do no harm ── its intention is to produce favorable results. – Dr. Julia Breur.

AGAIN, the majority of mankind is ignorantly following Satan the Devil.

Also, having sexual relations outside of marriage. They can use all the excuses they want under the sun, but in reality, they are a WHOREMONGER──which disqualifies them from entering into the glorious Kingdom of God.

Those who knowingly cater to sin (1 John 3:4) ── like it or not ── are servants of Satan the Devil.

How many people have truly and honestly DENIED THEMSELVES and became OBEDIENT TO THE WILL OF THE LORD GOD!? Yet, they claim to be a true Christian!

CHRISTIAN literally means a follower of Jesus Christ. And our Lord Jesus was literally God in the flesh – cf. John 1:1, 14.

And what made our Lord Jesus “perfect”!?

He kept the Law of God perfectly, giving us an example of how to keep the Law of God perfectly – cf. Matthew 5:17-18; John 13:15.

Does the overall majority of mankind do this!?

Absolutely and positively──no.

’ For many are called, …’ There are people who are reading this that ARE BEING CALLED──but will you choose to change your life to the will of God!? – Matthew 22:14.

Sadly, the many will not.

“ …’ but few are chosen.’ Only a small group of people on this Earth will bend a knee to the will of the LORD God completely──without any reservations or questions.

Only those few will completely reject this world’s ways and lifestyles that are before them.

The apostle Paul ── under divine inspiration of the Spirit of God ── said, “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” – Romans 12:2.

Our Lord Jesus tells us, ’ If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.’ – John 13:8. And, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If ANYONE loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” – 1 John 2:15.

Sadly, this world’s Christianity is a false Christianity. And our Lord Jesus says, ’ I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews [meaning, chosen people] are not, but lie──indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.’ – Revelation 3:9.

People can do “righteous” and pious things all day long──and still──as our Lord Jesus says, ’ in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ – Matthew 15:9.

Truly, unless you properly repent, and believe in (and obey, I add editorially) in the gospel, you have no part with the LORD God.

Now, of course, we all make mistakes. However, if you want to change your ways──then you must properly REPENT. And REPENTANCE IS CAHANGE! Changing from your ways and the way of this world to the Way of JESUS CHRIST!

So, friends, from FRIDAY sunset to SATURDAY sunset is holy time. It is the Sabbath of the Lord. He instituted it Himself! And it is a perpetual covenant between the LORD God and Their people for all ages.

Also, the false doctrine of “going to heaven” or “going to hell” after death. If all people would only take time to read and study these two subjects they would truly come to see the living TRUTH OF GOD. But sadly, mankind continues to want to hear what their itching ears want──they do not want anything to bust their religious bubble.


Mankind actually DOESN’T WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH! “and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to FABLES.” – 2 Timothy 4:4. The concept of “going to hell” is from Dante Alighieri’s 14th-century narrative poem The Divine Comedy──a.k.a. “Dante's Inferno.” A FABLE!

All mankind is born into a world with its own ideas──born into a ready-made world with ready-made ideologies, made by Satan the Devil, who is the “god of this age” – 2 Corinthians 4:4.

This means that Satan the Devil has rulership over this present evil age, and has great spiritual influence over all mankind.

God’s living word is clear──” Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.” – Isaiah 55:6-7.

Otherwise, the great regret awaits you. □

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