by Guy C. LaMar
I was once asked, “Why do you dress up in a suit and tie all the time?”
Well, first off – I love dressing up in a suit and tie. That is my personal preference.
But, where it comes to dressing up in a suit and tie for Church services, the answer is crystal clear:
If you are going before a king, queen, or even a president there are regal rules. The do’s and don’ts for meeting with a king, queen, or even a president of a nation. Now, in regards to Queen Elizabeth II - if you should find yourself lucky enough to meet with Her Majesty – according to Lucy Hume, Head of Content of Debrett’s in London, “You would be looking at a dress code like a white tie, which is similar to black-tie that we’d see on the red carpet but the bowtie is white and it has a wing collar for men.” 1
You must be top-notch!
All men would dress up in a suit and tie.
For women she went on to say, “and for that dress code women would be expected usually to wear a long formal evening gown.”
Now, righty so – if you are going before the King of the universe – Jesus Christ – then you had better be at your extreme best!
So, if people truly have God in their heart and mind, then they are going to be all about HONORING His Majesty as best they can.
Yet, with Almighty God, it is not just what you dress up in – cf. 1 Sam. 16:7; Jer. 17:10; see also Matt. 7:16-20.
It is a matter of dressing in your best that you have to wear when you come into the presence of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! – cf. Matt. 18:20.
When I go before God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ in Church it is most humbling to me.
We are obeying our loving Creators’ command - “’a holy convocation’” Lev. 23:3 – to assemble (if we are able to) with fellow brethren – coming before God the Father and Jesus Christ!
To us, that is super huge!
Being together at our very best and in our very best clothes shows our great reverence for God.
Now, there was a time when I knew this old farmer and he wore to Church services overalls. And the preacher got onto him about the fact that he should wear a suit and tie.
Well, that old farmer shut the preacher down quickly. He told the preacher that he had on his very best overalls and that God is not looking at the outward man – but on the inward man. And that old farmer was right.
He isn’t required to dress up in that preacher’s style of dress. That old farmer had his own dress and God recognizes anyone for what is on their heart.
But, there is a flip side to this coin – if regal rules within our societies say that we must dress up for a king, queen, or even a president of a nation, we had better show even greater honor to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ – Masters of the universe – than that king, queen, or president!!
Truly this present evil age has become more and more about being disrespectful and “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God”!
Truly this world’s speech has become evermore vulgar in their vernacular – cf. Eph. 4:29.
There was a time when the greater majority of our peoples would dress with style.
There was a time when the greater majority of our peoples spoke with respect towards each other.
There was a time that if a person spoke with vulgarities they would have been deemed, low class. As Cathy Carmode Lim wrote so eloquently in Life And Lims, “We as a society seem to have forgotten what it means to be sensitive to the needs and desires of those around us. It’s all about “me,” what “I” want or think is acceptable, and the heck with everyone else.” 2 There was a time when most people spoke with dignity and class. It spoke volumes as to how others saw them.
But, as the apostle Paul instructed Timothy, in these last days our societies have gotten filthier and filthier – and it is getting worse by the moment – cf. 2 Tim. 3:1-5.
God’s begotten children should be classy – as our Lord Jesus Christ says, “’ You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. … Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven’” – Matthew 5:13, 16. We are to be above reproach.
How a person looks does say a lot about them.
Simply put: Christians, keep it classy! □
1) Bennett, E., Royal Family: The strict dress code you have to follow if you meet the Queen, Prince William or Kate Middleton, My London, 24 Nov. 2021. Retrieved 13 Jan. 2022.
2) Lim, C.C., Vulgarity in public places: what is acceptable? What isn’t? 26 May 2012, Retrieved 13 Jan. 2022.
Additional Commentaries:
Happy New Year? - Here are various sources on this so-called New Year.
Long Life - Now obviously mankind cannot live 1,000 years in the flesh.
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