Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Keeping the Sabbath On Vacation

THERE ARE some principles that will help answer certain questions in regards to keeping God’s holy Sabbath. But, unless you know the truth of the PURPOSE of the Sabbath, you cannot understand just how to keep it. I would like to cover some of this in this article.

Sadly, so many of our peoples are missing out on such good things in their lives. And, there is a reason! The greater majority of people want to know the purpose of why they were born. Many say, “Life seems to have no meaning!” But our loving CREATOR did not intend it that way.

He has offered unto mankind a specific blessing, that, when truly understood, appreciated, and rightly kept holy and remembered, will give zest to our life and ever-greater meaning that so many lacks.

This awesome blessing is God’s holy Sabbath.

My wife and I are planning a vacation for ourselves this coming July. The first one we would be taking together since getting married twenty-six years ago. We are planning to visit the state of Oregon, the state in which I was born, visit some beautiful sites, such as the Silver Falls State Park, which is located near Silverton, Oregon. On our way, we have plans on visiting Durango, Colorado, and riding the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad with a steam-powered locomotive which runs some 200 feet above the Animas River – taking in the majestic peaks as it passes through remote canyons and wilderness of the Animas Gorge and the San Juan National Forest. Also visiting the Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and seeing the Old Faithful Geyser erupt! And then next traveling to the Redwood National Park – and very possibly hiking to see the world’s tallest tree!?

Now, I mention all that, to say this – the true Sabbath was to be a sign between God and His begotten children FOREVER – but, how can one properly keep God’s holy Sabbath while on vacation!?

Now, I will certainly get to this important question, but first, some basics -

Sabbath Made for Man

Our Lord Jesus Christ said, ’ The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath’ – Mark 2:27-28, NKJV throughout.

So, to be clear, He did not say that the Sabbath was made for the Jew. ‘The Sabbath was made for MAN.’ For all mankind throughout the world. And it was made for a blessing.

It was made for you, to help you, to help you live a more enriched and happier life – a more godly life.

What I have come to understand through God’s living Spirit and truth is that one of the greatest of blessings that have been bestowed upon mankind is the Lord’s Sabbath. It signifies that God is our Creator and that we are His begotten children. The article “’ It is a sign’” is a very informative read.

Our loving Creator knew that we as physical humans would require a period of rest every SEVENTH DAY, and, of course, this is one of the great opportunities which the Sabbath accomplishes. God is giving us a day off from work every seventh day! Even a “paid vacation”!

How is it a “paid vacation”!? Well, human reasoning alone may not grasp this right away, but God promised this – and the experiences of thousands upon thousands of God’s begotten children have proven that God said what He meant and meant what He said! Now, you may not win a lottery of cash or be prosperous immediately if you suddenly begin keeping God’s FOURTH COMMANDMENT and begin paying your tithe faithfully to God – cf. Malachi 3:8 – as he has commanded. But in His time and in His way, you will begin to be blessed in ways that you may never have experienced before!

Turn with me in your Bible to the Book of Isaiah chapter 58. The High and Lofty One, whose name is Holy, inspired the prophet Isaiah to write –

“’ If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on My holy day, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the LORD honorable, And shall honor Him, NOT DOING YOUR OWN WAYS, NOR FINDING YOUR OWN PLEASURE, NOR SPEAKING YOUR OWN WORDS, 14) Then you shall delight yourself in the LORD; And I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father.

The mouth of the LORD has spoken’” – Isaiah 58:13-14.

What does the LORD God mean here “not doing your own ways,” “finding our own pleasure,” and “speaking our own words”!? Truly, this means that we should be busy doing good for others, getting ever-closer to God in prayer and Bible study. Being happy because we are able to rest, to worship God with peace, and have special time with Him.

What kind of good!?

In the Book of Exodus chapter 20, God commands us to not work on the Sabbath. So, the kind of good we should do should not contain hard physical labor, which we would normally do on other days. There is an exception which our Lord Jesus Christ gave – in the Book of Luke chapter 14 –

’ Which of you, having a [son] or an ox that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?’ – Luke 14:5.

He is referring to a genuine emergency, not some job which you “put off” until Saturday.

Another example which the Lord our Savior gave for doing good on the Sabbath was that of healing others of sicknesses – cf. Matthew 12:9-13.

Notice, He did not go abroad seeking after them. We can all use the Sabbath as a time to comfort and to minister to those who are sick on this day. Yet, it does not mean that we should overly burden ourselves with material services. Remember what He told Martha –

“ …’ Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42) But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her’ – Luke 10:41, 42.

We should try to help those who are truly interested in the glorious teachings of God’s living word – because in this way we can minister to them both physically and spiritually.

A Commanded Assembly

In Leviticus 23 the LORD our God commands –

“’ The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.’” – verse 1.

So again, notice they are not the feasts of the Jew, but rather ‘the feasts of the LORD’!

“’ Six days shall work be done, but the SEVENTH DAY is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. …’” – verse 3.

Now, a convocation is a commanded assembly. The LORD God commands you to meet with other true Christians – whenever it is possible on the Sabbath day.

But, I want this to be clear – it does not mean that you are to meet on the holy Sabbath day or any other day for that matter with those who are blinded to God’s revealed truth and who refuse to keep all God’s Commandments! Including, of course, THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT!

The apostle Paul admonishes us –

“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?” – 2 Corinthians 6:14.

We Are To Be A Light In A Darkened World

Our Lord Jesus Christ told His followers –

’ You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden’ – Matthew 5:14.

O’ how our peoples of this world need someone to fearlessly show them the Way out of this spiritual darkness!

Yet, what about an unconverted spouse who does not keep God’s Sabbath holy and you're going on a long vacation with them!?

Notice this from Minister Guy LaMar –
“When traveling with an unconverted spouse this is an opportunity to let your light shine brightly. You must remember when Jesus walked this earth He didn’t have anyone fully converted as He was. He didn’t cram His religion down people’s throats, but instead, He offered Himself as an example that they may see His Spirit shining through.

Jesus is our example. He traveled on the Sabbath and the religiously self-righteous cast judgment upon Him. Those that did judge Him didn’t realize that this was the very One who made the Commandments.

So, when on a long road trip on a Sabbath day, make it a holy travel time.

If alone, use it as a time to fellowship with our Heavenly Father and Savior in prayer. Listening to songs of praise, listening to meaningful sermons, listening to the Bible on CDs, meditating on God’s word and on things that you can do in service of God.

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. … 22) Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23)And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24) knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. 25) But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality” – Colossians 3:17, 22-25.

Now, when we are with our spouse that is not of the faith – simply use this time to be a light unto them.

’ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven’ – Matthew 5:16.

“In all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you” – Titus 2:7-8.

Keep your mind on God and on godly matters.

We are to come out of this world!

Often this means mentally even more than physically because this world’s system works against us – after all, this world is ruled by Satan the Devil.

So, when driving down the highways and bi-ways with your spouse by your side, keep talking in favor of God. No need to preach to them, just bring up glorious things that they can relate to – such as acknowledging the beauty of the LORD God’s handiwork around you on your vacation. You are giving praise to God - they may not realize it, but you are actually planting a seed to have them acknowledge God’s awesome handiwork!

Be kind, be loving, and be understanding.

It is not their fault that they have not been called out of this world yet, and been allowed the awesome blessing of the holy Sabbath. But through you and your example they may see Christ in you and according to their portion of understanding may be able to grow by your loving example shown unto them.

’ Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets’ – Matthew 7:12.

Often such road trips are even more fulfilling as a way to connect to God in other settings! Take advantage of the moment to praise Almighty God, under their observation – but regardless you will be planting a seed.

In fact, such a situation gives you a fantastic opportunity to offer a great service to God. It gives you a chance to let your light shine.”
But, be warned, you cannot be a light to others if you are continuing in the same man-made doctrines and practices as they do! As our Lord Jesus Christ says, we are to come out from among them! – cf. Revelation 18:4.

We must live by ‘every word which proceeds from the mouth of God’ – to show forth the true light of Christ that will eventually turn people from darkness unto light. We must be different from other people by obeying God – by having His sign upon us.

The majority of our peoples won’t like doing this.

Our Lord Jesus Christ says in John chapter 3 –

’ And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil’ – John 3:19.

Sadly, mankind is so steeped in their own traditions and customs, that the true light of Christ – the gospel message – offends them.

As Minister Michael C. Garrett has said many times, “It’s hard to sell this religion.” True Christianity is not the way to be popular with men.

O’ what an important light you are shining before others by keeping the Sabbath holy! It is a sign that sets you apart from those following the “broad way that leads to destruction.”

It is ‘Holy’ Time

So, in conclusion, turning back to the Book of Exodus chapter 20, we find the original Command of God –

“’ Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy’” – Exodus 20:8.

Let us never forget that the LORD our God made the SEVENTH DAY holy time.

But, what does ‘holy’ time mean!?

Previously, and in several articles on our website I have shown you from God’s living word that we are not to do any work, our own pleasure, speaking our own words, on God’s holy Sabbath day.

We are to keep the Sabbath day holy.

So, you shouldn’t be spending a lot of time in worldly visiting or what is often called “just shooting the breeze.”

When the LORD our God said that we are to put the Sabbath day to a holy use, He means that we should be happily employed in doing good things prescribed for that day. To keep the Sabbath in a positive way. Use the Sabbath as a day of rest from our labor, to get closer to God in prayer and Bible study. Take time to do good to others, to care for the sick, to visit the afflicted. Assemble – if possible – with other true Christians on the Sabbath. Then you will truly be a light unto the world!

Friends, the holy Sabbath separates true Christians from this world’s churches with their pagan holidays and their “day of the sun.”

So, let us keep holy the feasts of the LORD! - including the Sabbath day!

And, as the apostle Paul told the church in Thessalonica –

“Rejoice always, 17) pray without ceasing, 18) in EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. □

Additional Articles Related to the Sabbath Day -

Proving the Truth!I think another thing we might say to people that we might meet and have this discussion, I think we would say, “The Bible is the inspired Word of God.PDF booklet.
Blessing or Curses?A great many people have a very odd way of looking at certain things when it comes to churches.
"Under LAW" or "Under GRACE"?A GREAT many in this world completely misunderstand what our Lord Jesus Christ meant! Do you!?
'If Thou Wilt'Sadly, the greater majority of our peoples are afraid or ignorant of proclaiming the very words of the Eternal One! 
'Tell My People Their Sins'So, here the LORD God is instructing the prophet Isaiah to lift up his voice like a trumpet. 
Be Not DefeatedFriends, have you ever felt defeated by sin!?

Have the Ten Commandments been replaced by some new commandment? Have they been "nailed to the cross"? Have only part of the Ten Commandments been approved in the New Testament? Have some been altered or changed? Here is the surprising answer from God's inspired Scriptures. 

Minister Michael C. Garrett's 20-part series - The Eternal Relevancy of the Ten Commandments.

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