To beget means begetting – the action or process of generating or producing.
The Greek word gennaō means to become the father of; to bear, give birth to, to be conceived, born: - begat. PRODUCTION THROUGH A PROCESS that includes and is generated by the imparting of the fertilizing or life-giving element by the father.
In Greek, the word gennaō is an all-inclusive word – as a PRODUCTION PROCESS. Beget refers to the father. And the father’s action is to cause the beginning process towards eventual birth – cf. 1 Peter 1:23.
Scripture after Scripture, analogy after analogy, comparison after comparison, shows that BEING BORN OF GOD is a process in which there is a time element. Just as being born of the flesh is a process.
At the moment when the human father begets his estimated 40 to 150 million sperm and the mother receives ONE – a union of a sperm cell and egg – fertilization becomes an embryo.
But, it is not yet delivered from the womb – NOT YET BORN.
And, if we’re talking about a human being, it will not be for NINE MONTHS. Pregnancy is in progress. Yet, during this period of physical development and growth, it is an UNBORN CHILD of its parents.
IN LIKE MANNER – at the time when God’s Spirit enters a human being (Father God begets a human being with His Holy Spirit; the spiritual counterpart of a material sperm cell) – he or she becomes A BEGOTTEN CHILD OF GOD! The person is already a CHILD OF GOD!
But, the person is still human – still material, flesh, and blood. The person must now undergo a process (until death or the resurrection) of spiritual development and growth. He or she is still in the gestation state in the process of being born.
Now, the individual is a member of the living CHURCH OF GOD, but the Church is not the Kingdom of God. The Church is composed of physical human beings – of flesh and blood – begotten children of God.
And God’s living word is clear, “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; …” – 1 Corinthians 15:50.
The LORD God’s kingdom is made up of spirit-composed beings.
But, the Spirit-begotten children of God are in the process of being born of God. But, they have yet to enter into the kingdom of God. Because they have yet to be born of God. God’s Spirit-begotten children have a lot of spiritual development and growth yet to do – acquiring the very spiritual character of the LORD God.
Certainly, during our converted human true Christian life, we are ALREADY children of God, yet unborn.
We have within us – through the gift of the Holy Spirit – the presence of eternal life, Spirit life, divine life. However, ONLY FROM AND THROUGH ALMIGHTY GOD!
We DO NOT have, yet, any eternal life inherent – of ourselves, independent from God! And, WE COULD BE ABORTED!
IN LIKE MANNER – the unborn physical fetus, in the gestation period. It has life, but only THROUGH the umbilical cord from the mother – not independent of itself. So, again, IT COULD BE ABORTED!
This is clearly brought out to us in God’s living word –
“And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12) He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God DOES NOT HAVE LIFE” – 1 John 5:11-12.
So, eternal life IS NOT INHERENT WITHIN US! We do not now, in this life, have BORN life of our own – independent of Him.
In this sense, our contact with the Son of God through His Spirit is the umbilical cord through which we are partakers of eternal life from Him.
Now, a BORN human child has life on its own – independent of its mother.
In this true Christian life, we are fed and protected by JESUS CHRIST – HE IS OUR UMBILICAL CORD! – cf. Ephesians 5:24-29. He nourishes the living Church of God.
When we are BORN AGAIN – of God – we shall have ETERNAL LIFE INHERENT – of our own! We are not now in that state. □
Additional things to think about ...
Are You Unequally Yoked? - Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke of a certain type of people in Matthew 13:15 –
Unity!? - Something to think about...
A Roman "Mark"!? - Back in Rome, in the times before our Lord Jesus Christ, the Roman government MARKED people by branding them on their hands and on their foreheads – like a tattoo.
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