Sunday, January 1, 2023

December Stats

WELCOME, EVERYONE! It's a Brand New Month along with a Brand New civil year! 2023! thanks YOU for making 2022 the BEST YEAR EVER! Here are the stats for for the MONTH OF DECEMBER '22, which YOU helped make possible!

We thank YOU all, in the righteous and holy name, our Lord Jesus Christ,

Summary Stats According to

Average Monthly Page Views: 156.0
Average Monthly Unique Visits: 128.0
Average Monthly First-Time Visits: 105.0
Average Monthly Returning Visits: 23.0


Top Five Articles of Last Month

On Our YouTube channel, we created a custom channel URL! It's

COJCOM had a total of 74 views (12% more than Oct. 31 - Nov. 30, 2022)! THANK YOU, to our Lord Jesus Christ, and EVERYONE! - for this glorious and blessed increase! - even though home circumstances are hindering me from producing additional sermons at this time. Please continue to pray that we can get back to producing messages here very soon! 5.5 watch time (hours) (27% more than Oct. 31 - Nov. 30, 2022)! 

We thank you for your continued love and support,

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