Friday, October 11, 2019

Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of The Lord (Sermon)

The Owensboro Church of Jesus Christ is very pleased to announce our latest sermon from our YouTube channel and our Godtube channel:


Brother James wrote, "Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." - James 4:10. And on a personal note, this is the very meaning of the Day of Atonement! Here, Minister Michael C. Garrett takes us through dozens of Scriptures teaching this God revealed truth!

Here is a link to this sermon Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of The Lord

Additional Items of Interest:

Day of Atonement = End-Time Trauma - The real challenge for anyone who truly wants to understand and to follow biblical truth and knowledge is to properly distinguish, differentiate, and discern between biblical truth and biblical error. [...]
Notes Concerning the Day of Atonement (Prophetically the Day of the LORD) VII  - ... continuing my thought here – some of them who knew the Word of God, and had preached it for years, when the group in Pasadena announced that they were changing doctrine, they just went along with it.
The Treasure of Your Heart - Well the dictionary says that wisdom is 1) the intelligent application of knowledge. It also says, another definition: the ability to make intelligent choices and to reach intelligent conclusions or decisions. There are some synonyms: sagacity, insight, sageness, judgment. And I think from a Biblical perspective, you might take those definitions and tweak ‘em just a bit. [...]  

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