Leonard V. Johnson
Pastor and Co-Founder
Beloved Friends in Christ Jesus:
We hope and pray that you have had a spiritually growing and uplifting month.
We are continuing to work on additional translations of our English online
What Is the Kingdom of God?
We are currently working on an audio-video voice-over translation in Spanish
with text ─ and it’s taking longer than usual because we’ve had to rework
large sections of it. After every Scripture it was saying, “por la mañana.”
Then, after fixing that, it began to say, “por la tarde.” So, I guess one
could read these Scriptures either in the morning or in the afternoon! 😂
We currently have this online booklet in English and Spanish. In audio, we
have this booklet in
Swahili, and
on our
Soundcloud channel. Unfortunately, these translations are not perfect ── We are doing the best
we can at this present time. Truly, the following dual prophecy can apply to
our effort to bring the message of the gospel to the world –
“’ Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the
message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the
breasts? 10) For precept
[rules; moral rules]
must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line
[think of biblical Scriptures]
upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.’
11) For with stammering lips and another
He will speak to this people, 12) To whom He said, ‘This is the rest with
which You may cause the weary to rest.’ And, ‘THIS IS THE REFRESHING’;
Yet they would not hear.”
– Isaiah 28:9-12.
Sadly, we’re not getting much traction. We’ve invested a substantial amount in
our Soundcloud channel – including upgrading to “Next Pro” back in 2019 at a
cost of approximately $1,072. As of July 22, 2024, we’ve had nearly 2,000
plays! Now, friends, we’re not complaining ─ I myself would walk across the
Atacama Desert of South America to recover one lost sheep ─ but the definition
of insanity according to Albert Einstein is, “doing the same thing over and
over again, expecting different results.” So, I guess ─ for the time being our
Soundcloud channel could be likened to a third-party data-sharing vendor.
Now, in 2019 ─ with the glorious inspiration of God’s Spirit ─ we began
translating many of our online articles, booklets, and books into audio
voice-overs using AI. However, with many worldly ministers proclaiming that AI
is of the devil ─ it’s been an uphill battle. Yet, with and
through our Lord Jesus who strengthens us, we can do all things! – cf.
Philippians 4:13. But, notice: that even doing this appears to have been
And that still, many would not hear.
We are commissioned to
‘go therefore and make disciples
[to teach the nations, the tribes, the people, and languages]
of all the nations, …’ and to witness and testify of Jesus Christ ─ despite the fact that most would
not hear. And we know that there are many difficulties in translating
articles, booklets, and books into multiple languages. If there is anyone who
would like to help us, and you fluently speak another language ── and would
like to volunteer ── please contact us @
Also, notice that the Apostle Paul speaks of this –
“In the law it is written:
‘With men of other
and other lips I will speak to this people; And yet, for all that, they
will not hear Me.’
says the Lord.” – 1
Corinthians 14:21.
So, God’s living word in the New Testament also clearly prophesies that
other languages would be used to proclaim the gospel message unto the world ─
and we here at the Church of Jesus Christ Online Ministries are
utilizing AI technology to do just this.
Taarifa ya Imani ya Kanisa la Yesu Kristo Online Ministries
We also have a Swahili language version of our English-language Statement of
Beliefs booklet available. Here is a link:
Taarifa ya Imani ya Kanisa la Yesu Kristo Online Ministries.
Again, we would like to thank Brother Erick Odhiambo in Nyanza, Kenya for help
with the translation.
Suggested Sabbath Day Service
Here is our suggested Sabbath day service for our scattered brethren and
friends around the world:
• TWO songs of praise. (our songbook,
The Bible Hymnal, is suggested, there are some
Instrumental Accompaniment to the Bible Hymnal
available on our website).
• Opening prayer.
• Announcements – from the deacon or pastor.
• Sermon – from the pastor or guest speaker. The one suggested for this week
“Firstfruits From the Earth”
delivered by Minister Leonard V. Johnson.
• Closing song.
• Closing prayer.
What is so significant about 'THREE DAYS' JOURNEY'!? Minister Leonard V. Johnson takes you through ─ step by step ─ the THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS that our Lord Jesus was in the 'heart of the earth' - and just what day our Lord Jesus was resurrected, to become the FIRSTFRUITS from the earth!
Some World News In Relation To Biblical Prophecy
Our Lord Jesus Christ has warned us –
“’ Take heed that no one deceives you.
For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will
deceive many.
And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not
troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not
As I just wrote in
Inches Away From Destruction, the first century A.D. saw several significant wars and conflicts. And,
throughout these nearly two thousand years we've seen a great many wars and
heard of a great many rumors of wars!
Our Lord Jesus continued –
“’ For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
We believe this to be a reference to a final Catholic United States
of Europe (a final king of the North) against a
final Federation of Islamic States (a final king of the South)
– ref. Daniel 11:40.
“ …
‘And there will be famines, pestilences [‘troubles’ – as the Apostle Mark writes], and earthquakes in various places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.’”
– Matthew 24:4-8.
With great sadness, we’ve had throughout the world
since 2016 about six major
famines! Famine in Yemen, famine in South Sudan, famine in Tigray, Ethiopia,
Madagascar, and in the Gaza Strip of Palestine. And, according to a 2022
BBC report, China causing Covid-19 continues to spread worldwide –
with an estimated 550 million dead!
1 Truly – one
only needs to trust in the living words of our Lord Jesus to know
that earthquakes are increasing in intensity globally! Three major
earthquakes have struck
since 2016!
2023 – Turkey-Syria (7.8).
59,488–62,013 deaths, 121,704 injured, 140 missing.
2023 – Al Haouz (Morocco) (6.9).
2,960 killed, 5,674 injured.
2024 – Noto (Japan).
299 fatalities, 1,209 injuries, 3 missing.
But, no worries mate – lying children tell us “scientists analyzed the
historical record and found that the global frequency of large earthquakes
is no higher today than it has been in the past.”
2 In which the
damnable Microsoft Bing “Coplot” continues to propagate. (See: Isaiah
The many are being deceived. But we take heed of our Lord Jesus’
In the United States of America ─ we now know of an attempted
assassination of the 45th and future President Donald Trump! (See:
FoxNews -
Assassination attempt on Trump at Pennsylvania rally leaves 2 hurt, 2
dead, including shooter).

The United States of America is no longer UNITED! And, I'm not just
speaking politically. But more so morally and ethically. This nation (as a
whole) has been worshiping politics. And, as it was during the Roman Empire,
with the emperors insisting that they be worshiped as gods ── many of our
great presidential leaders are being “worshiped.” You may very well disagree
with me - as is your God-given right - but I saw the faces, the reactions, to
Barack Obama in 2007 - 2008 ── the hysteria, the crying, the overwhelming
adoration. Even some then called him “Savior.” (Note:
Jamie Foxx calls Barack Obama 'Our Lord and Savior').
Oprah Winfrey referred to him as “the One.”
And as I saw President Trump walk out onto the stage of the 2024 RNC ── and as
proud as I am of Conservative Americans, and overwhelmingly thankful to the
LORD God for his safety ── I witnessed several with that same hysteria and
adoration ── looking upon him as a “Messiah-like.”
I do believe, however, that the hand of the LORD Almighty saved President
Donald Trump!!
HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!’ – Matthew 6:33. And, we are also taught by God’s
living word – to be subject to the governing authorities.
“For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist
– Romans 13:1. So, whether you like or disagree with Resident Joe Biden – we
are to respect his authority. Because the Apostle Paul went on to write –
under divine inspiration –
“Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and
those who resist will bring judgment to themselves. 3) For rulers are not a
terror to good works, but to evil.”
– Romans 13:2, 3.
Sadly, God’s holy kingdom has not come yet – men’s hearts have not been
changed, and men have not received a new spirit (cf. Ezekiel 36:26), therefore
we have to continue to elect men that have “the lesser of two evils.” In my
Retrospective post that I posted both on Facebook and MeWe, I asked, “Would
our Lord Jesus Christ ever support the Democratic Party of today!?
The Democrats of the Jacksonian democracy of the 19th century, and up through
the end of Grover Cleveland of 1897, were, as the online
Brittanica summarized, “basically conservative and agrarian-oriented,
opposing the interests of big business,” and they were skeptical of big
government. However, by the time of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
re-election in 1936, the Democrats were vastly different and had “forged a
broad coalition – including small farmers, northern city dwellers, organized
labor, European immigrants, liberals, intellectuals and reformers.”
Also, according to the online Brittanica, the Republican Party of the
19th century “stood against the extension of slavery,” and eventually to
slavery’s complete abolition. During the 20th and into the 21st centuries
the party came to be “associated with laissez-faire capitalism [minimum
governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and
society], low taxes, and conservative social policies.”
Today's Democratic Party is enacting laws and agendas that are DESTROYING
Concluding Comments
I was asked – “Were humans ever commissioned to lead?”
Human leaders (such as those who fear the LORD God) were to be the
LORD God's vice-regents ruling under His leadership. For example, we have
the children of Israel who initially said they would have the LORD God as
their King, but then they reneged and wanted Saul - 1 Samuel 7:3-4; 8:1-5.
We also have the example of Exodus 18:13-26. Where the prophet, leader, and
teacher Moses became overwhelmed in leading and advising the children of
Israel. His father-in-law came to him and advised appointing rulers of
thousands, rulers of hundreds, and rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.
And let them judge the people at all times. Surely, Moses - a man of God -
took this advice before the LORD God. As long as there are human beings,
they will have human leaders - even in the Millennium. But, the difference
is, that they will be leaders that fully keep and obey the LORD God's
commandments, statutes, ordinances, and judgments.
The LORD God’s glorious government will soon replace all the governments on
earth – ref. Revelation 11:15.
Our Lord and Savior will reign in His kingdom! And, God’s living word
reveals two of His great titles –
“And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:
─ Revelation 19:16.
But, is our Lord Jesus Christ the only one who will reign? Notice –
“And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to
them. Then I saw the
of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the
word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not
received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and
reigned with Christ FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. 6) Blessed and holy is he who
has part in the FIRST RESURRECTION. Over such the second death has no
power, but they shall be priests of God
[God the Father]
and of Christ [Jesus
Christ], and shall reign with Him A THOUSAND YEARS.”
– Revelation 20:4, 6.
Brethren and Friends ─ all those who truly belong to our Lord Jesus will be
resurrected in the FIRST RESURRECTION (see: 1st Corinthians 15:20-24,
50-55). Throughout these nearly six thousand years, the LORD God has called
multiple billions upon billions – and we are told that ‘because narrow is
the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, there are few who
find it.’ – cf. Matthew 7:14. How many are a few!?
As I wrote, as long as there are human beings there will be human leaders,
but in the LORD God’s kingdom, all human leaders will keep and obey the LORD
God's commandments, statutes, ordinances, and judgments. And, as we’ve
spoken of before ─ without human beings, the LORD God stops reproducing
Themselves! – cf. Genesis 1:26. How many Spirit-born sons and daughters does
God the Father desire? How many Spirit-born brothers and sisters does our
Lord Jesus desire? Millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions?
We do know that our LORD God is “planting the heavens” – Isaiah 51:16. And
it’s a large universe! Q: Why create billions upon billions of
physical planets if there is no future for human beings to continue?
There will come a time, however ─ as we are told in God’s living word
─ when, and the Apostle Paul explains it, that the entire universe – that is
held under the curse – will be set free from its physical bondage of death
and decay – cf. Romans 8:21 –
“because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of
corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”
The new Earth will become the center of the LORD God’s universe!
Notice –
“And he showed me a pure river of water of LIFE, clear and crystal,
proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. … 3) And there shall be
no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and
His servants shall serve Him. 5) … And they shall reign [from ages to ages].” –
Revelation 22:1, 3, 6.
So, there will be a long physical phase, and then a fully spiritual phase.
Let us always pray –
“’ Your kingdom come
[soon]. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.’”
In deep gratitude and love, in Jesus' name,

Covid map: Coronavirus cases, deaths, vaccinations by country, BBC,5 July 2022.
2 Conners, D., EarthSky.org. Are large earthquakes increasing in
frequency?, 4 March 2012.
Trump Photo:
Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is
surrounded by Secret Service agents at a campaign rally on Saturday,
July 13, in Butler, Pennsylvania. Evan Vucci/AP
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