This chilling graphic illustrates how close we came. 100% divine intervention. (End Wokeness/X)
Let us consider this from the Deccan Harold ─
'One inch from a potential civil war' ─ near miss in Trump shooting is also a close call for American Democracy
Also, let us notice this from the OTHER SIDE of the political aisle last year ─
The Threat of Civil Breakdown Is Real
To "the dangers of Trump"!? It's that type of DANGEROUS rhetoric that aided such a MONSTEROUS psychopath (and I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Crooks, but your son was a possessed psychopath!) to commit what he believed in his mind to be "justice." What about the Demoncrats spouting that Trump is an "existential threat"!? Or, this one straight from the horse's mouth, "It's time to put Trump in a Bull's-Eye"!! Truly, the worst I have heard President Donald Trump say that was negative about O'Biden is "He's the worst president in American history!"
I don't know how the Demoncrats define "Bull's-Eye," but any reputable dictionary has it as "the center of a target. A shot that hits the center of a target"!
So, both the Leftists (with their Communist and Marxist ideologies) and the Conservative Right (who, by the way, I watched parts of the 2024 RNC, and I heard a lot of talk about God, Peace, and Unity!) are concerned about a soon-coming civil war within the United States of America!
Our Lord and Savior says ─ and let me add here, and let us NEVER FORGET that our Lord Jesus is a Savior! Let us all give the honor and credit that our Lord Jesus Christ deserves and say and write His glorious, powerful, and holy name ─ Jesus the Christ! JESUS IS SAVIOR! It greatly saddens me when so-called professing Christians only say or write "Jesus." There is a great difference ─ the original disciples never addressed Him directly by the name "Jesus" alone. Even the disciple who was closest to Him, the Apostle John did not just call Him "Jesus." See: John 13:25 ─ "Then, leaning back on Jesus' breast, he said to Him, 'Lord [which means Master], who is it?'" The Apostle Peter also addressed Him as "Lord" ─ John 21:15-17. Many people may think this is insignificant and has no meaning. But I believe it has great significance in proper respect for our Lord Jesus Christ - our Savior!
Beginning with verse 3 of the Book of Matthew 24 ─
"Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, 'Tell us, when will these things be? ..."
Our Lord Jesus had just been walking with them around the Temple and its adjacent buildings there in Jerusalem, and had said to them, "'Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.'" Speaking of the utter destruction of the Temple and the surrounding buildings ─ which did occur in A.D. 70! And, think of this ─ it was only 9 years before the utter destruction of the city of Pompeii.
And then, another question from the disciples - surely because they initially thought that the utter destruction of the Temple would bring His return!
" ... And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"
"And Jesus answered and said to them: 'Take heed that no one deceives you. 5) For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' ...'" - in other words, many would come throughout this present evil age proclaiming rightly that Jesus is the Christ ─ the Messiah. But, these many will...
" ... 'deceive many.'"
Sadly, even the deception of masking Right-Wing political rantings with Christianity!
And continuing, our Lord Jesus says ─
" 6) 'And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.'"
The first century A.D. saw several significant wars and conflicts. Here are a few notable ones:
● 58 AD - 63 AD - the Roman-Parthian War
● 66 AD - 73 AD - the First Jewish-Roman War
● 69 AD - 70 AD - the Revolt of the Batavi
And, throughout these nearly two thousand years we've seen a great many wars and heard of a great many rumors of wars! And, just in my lifetime - here are a few notable ones:
● 1969 AD - ongoing - the Communist rebellion in the Philippines
● 1972 AD - 1972 AD - the Invasion of Uganda
● 1973 AD - 1973 AD - the Yom Kippur War
● 1974 AD - 1991 AD - the Ethiopian Civil War
● 1980 AD - 1988 AD - the Iran-Iraq War
● 1990 AD - 1991 AD - the Gulf War
● 1991 AD - ongoing - the Somali Civil War
● 1992 AD - 1996 AD - the Afghan Civil War
● 2001 AD - 2021 AD - the War on Terror (ongoing)
● 2003 AD - 2011 AD - the Iraq War
● 2023 AD - ongoing - the Israel-Hamas War
● 2024 AD - ongoing - the Iran-Pakistan Border Skirmishes
And continuing, our Lord Jesus says ─
" 7) 'For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. ...'"
We believe this to be a reference to the prophesied end-time final king of the North and the final king of the South spoken of by the Prophet Daniel - cf. Daniel 11:40. A final United States of Europe and a final Islamic Confederation of States. (Be sure to read our free online booklet Prophecy Series - The Last Crusade).
" ... 'And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8) All these are the beginning of sorrows.'"
And then our Lord Jesus pivots in verse 9.
We do believe that this generation ─ this present evil age ─ is in the 'beginning of sorrows,' and we are witnessing throughout the world the love of a great many becoming colder because of lawlessness abounding!
The United States of America is no longer UNITED! And, I'm not just speaking politically. But more so morally and ethically. This nation (as a whole) has been worshiping politics. And, as it was during the Roman Empire, with the emperors insisting that they be worshiped as gods ── many of our great presidential leaders are being "worshiped." You may very well disagree with me - as is your God-given right - but I saw the faces, the reactions, to Barack Obama in 2007 - 2008 ── the hysteria, the crying, the overwhelming adoration. Even some called him "Savior." (Note: Jamie Foxx calls Barack Obama 'Our Lord and Savior'). Oprah Winfery refered to him as "the One." And as I saw President Trump walk out onto the stage of the 2024 RNC ── and as proud as I am of Conservative Americans, and overwhelmingly thankful to the LORD God for his safety ── I witnessed several with that same hysteria and adoration ── looking upon him as a "Messiah-like."
He is far from our Lord and Savior! Of course, those who are loudly screaming this are Leftists. Such as NPR - (A Video making the rounds online depicts Trump as a Messiah-like figure). I do believe, however, that the hand of the LORD Almighty saved President Donald Trump!!
Now had President Donald Trump actually been killed, and as the photo at the top of the page indicates - it was very close, a great many Conservative Americans would certainly be convinced that this was an international move of the 'deep state' to eliminate President Donald Trump. However, President Donald Trump did survive ── thank Almighty God ── and those concerns are still there!
Again, our Lord Jesus has WARNED us ─
" ... 'Every kingdom divided against itself is bought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.'" - Matthew 12:25; see also Mark 3:24-25; Luke 11:17.
Notice that our Lord Jesus Christ inspired this phrase to be written THREE TIMES! He speaks it multiple times for great emphasis! DIVISION is a very big deal.
Sadly, the utter destruction of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and her Commonwealth Nations ─ the original and therefore earliest members, Australia, Canada, the Irish Free State, Newfoundland, New Zealand, and South Africa respectfully ─ is coming as the LORD God's two-fold prophecy indicates ─
"Thus he [a final European Catholic leader of a United States of Europe, a figure type of Antiochus IV Epiphanes] shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god [the worship of militaristic advancements], which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule many, and divide the land for gain." - Daniel 11:39.
Instead of division ─ national repentance is what is needed!
Again, our Lord and Savior Jesus ─
" ... 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38) This is the FIRST AND GREAT Commandment [the first FOUR of the Ten Commandments]. 39) And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' [the last SIX of the Ten Commandments] 40) On these two commandments hand all the Law and the Prophets.'" - Matthew 22:37-40.
"' But I say to you WHO HEAR: Love your enemies, ...'"
And, nowhere has our Lord Jesus said that we should allow our enemies to run over us and abuse us! No! As President Donald Trump so boldly and bravely stated as he raised his fist in defiance - we are to "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Fight with spiritual strength, fight with moral and ethical strength, and even if need be as a last resort, fight with military strength! Loving our enemies is more akin to maintaining compassion and empathy even in difficult circumstances.
" ... 'do good to those who hate you, 28) bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.'" - Luke 6:27 - 36.
Sadly, instead of our nation (as a whole) having true godly love, there is growing a coldness ─ a hatred, a contempt for the LORD God and anyone who keeps the commandments of God and has the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Friends, terrible tribulations ── terrible troubles ── are prophesied to soon come to an unsuspecting nation. And yes, I saw a great many people praying at the beginning of the 2024 RNC led by Connecticut businesswoman and former U.S. Senate candidate Leora Levy. Truly what I saw of religion so far at the 2024 RNC is religious pluralism ── as in an opening Sikh prayer. I don't know who she was praying to - but it wasn't to the LORD God (the family of God; which at this present time consists of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ)! And it was inspiring and wonderful that she spoke of Corey Comperatore, she refrenced the Holy Bible, citing Deuteronomy 31:6, "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." She prayed for Jerusalem and for "all the children of Abraham." Which are all honorable and commendable, but ── the core beliefs and practices of Sikhism, articulated by it's founder, and Guru Granth Sahib ─ Sikh scripture, is that the god they worship is Ik Onkar - meaning Oneness. Though they of the religion of Sikh has a concept of God, they do NOT know the LORD God - God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
As an example alone ── in their Mul Mantar (literally translated as Prime Utterance) their first passage in the Guru Granth Sahib says ──
There is only one God, and It is called the truth. It exists in all creation, and It has no fear, It does not hate, and It is timeless, universal and self-existent! You will come to know it through the grace of the Guru.Page 1.
Like the god of Islam, this is not the Creator of all things! And this is no god that we are to worship!
Friends, the 'time of Jacob's trouble' is soon coming! - cf. Jeremiah 30:7. It is a time also known as 'great tribulation' spoken of by our Lord Jesus Christ - the Son of God!
National repentance to the LORD God - and if you want to be extremely closed minded and call the LORD God ── "the Hebrew God" ── so be it. But national repentance to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the very Creator of all things, will be the only way to prevent this soon-coming destruction.
Very personal repentance, however, is also needed! Your personal future can still be much brighter with the light of Christ than those of your countrymen that refuse to repent and change. Not only is our Lord Jesus Christ the only One who is the source of eternal salvation. Our Lord Jesus also offers us physical protection in the here and now to those who love Him and are faithful to Him!
Very personal repentance, however, is also needed! Your personal future can still be much brighter with the light of Christ than those of your countrymen that refuse to repent and change. Not only is our Lord Jesus Christ the only One who is the source of eternal salvation. Our Lord Jesus also offers us physical protection in the here and now to those who love Him and are faithful to Him!
God Bless.
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