Prophecy -
The Owensboro Church of Jesus Christ is pleased to announce this enlightening article Prophecy Series - The Final Empire!
There's a historic relationship between Europe and the Roman Catholic Church. A relationship that has shaped the Western World. Europe today faces a seventh resurrection of the "Holy" Roman Empire! Events are taking place that will radically change this world!
To properly understand today's news and the grave events which lie just ahead, we must understand a basic outline of world history and future events. This three part series will help you understand what God's living Word - the Bible - truly says is emerging soon on the world scene. A new "Roman Empire" - the final empire!
The Owensboro Church of Jesus Christ is pleased to announce the 2nd part of this Biblical prophecy series - Prophecy Series - End-Time Babylon
Minister Michael C. Garrett, of the Owensboro Church of Jesus Christ, continues in this second edition teaching that we must understand the fundamentals of world history and future history. This three-part series will help you understand just what God's living Word - the Bible - truly says is emerging soon on the world scene - an end-time Babylon, and her ultimate destruction!
The Owensboro Church of Jesus Christ is very pleased to present this 3rd installment - Prophecy Series - The Last Crusade
Our Lord Jesus Christ says in Matthew 24:7 - "'For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom'" in the end-time trauma. What He called will be 'great tribulation'! Prophet Daniel spoke of a grave time of 'Jacob's trouble' - 'a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time." (Daniel 12:1; NKJV). Similar wording used by our Lord Jesus - a time 'such has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.' Daniel says that during this great time of 'trouble,' in this end-time trauma, the king of the North (Catholic Europe) shall fight against the king of the South (Islamic Middle East and parts of North Africa). Was this what our Lord God was alluding to!? Was He speaking of the last crusade!?