The LORD God places ALL of our leaders in power, regardless of whether we agree with them. They are in control for the purpose which the LORD God (the Elohim; the family of God which at this present time consists of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ) has for them.
by Guy C LaMar
“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” – Romans 13:1.
The LORD God also exhorts us to pray for our leaders. The proper prayer would be for guidance in the Way of God.
“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2) for kings [presidents, prime ministers, governors, mayors, etc.] and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.” – 1 Timothy 2:1-3.
The Eternal God places them in office ──and out of office, for His purposes. Notice –
“And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding. 22) He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him.” – Daniel 2:21-22.
Now, many are called ── but, this doesn’t mean all. Only a few are chosen. The few are the ones that are obedient and dedicated to the will of the LORD God.
“’ For many are called, but few are chosen.’” – Matthew 22:14.
Most ── and I do mean, most ── who have lived, and who live now, and those who will live in the future, are not going to have any knowledge of the LORD God’s will. It’s not their time. Their time will come either in the Millennial Reign of our Lord Jesus Christ or immediately after the Great White Throne Judgment!
When one preaches the glorious kingdom of God ── one needs to properly understand what they’re preaching.
Preaching and teaching the kingdom of God is also preaching the Law of God, which is the Way of God.
We should be preaching REPENTANCE. But, we should properly know what we are to repent from. THE BREAKING OF GOD’S LAW ── summed up with the Ten Commandments. See: 1 John 3:4.
It’s not repenting of your own personal and emotional hangups.
It’s repenting of breaking the Law of God ── the righteous Law of God!
It means turning away from your old self, of the one who is breaking the Law of God, and turning to the LORD God, the will of God, and being obedient in following and keeping the Law of God ── correctly. By the examples given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Means Government
Government is run by laws.
Laws are the way that one conducts themselves.
And, the kingdom of God is God’s Way.
And, God’s Way is shown to us by the Law of God.
Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the perfect example of how to live perfectly in the Law of God. He filled
it up to the max by showing us how to properly conduct ourselves obediently in the Law of God as a mortal human being. So that we can look unto Jesus and have the perfect example of how to conduct ourselves in the Way of God. Again, this is the Law of God.
The LORD God designed the Law of God for mankind ── for the love of mankind. It’s for showing the love that the LORD God has for mankind.
And, mankind, by obeying (and abiding) God’s Law shows the LORD God their love towards “the God of gods.”
But when mankind rejects the Law of God then mankind is rejecting the LORD God! Thus, we earn the tag of “sinner.”
Christian Means Follower of Christ
The majority of all political leaders are placed in power under the rule of so-called Christians ── themselves not being a true Christian.
Now, they may claim this title, but they do not live the life of a true Christian!
Christian means follower ── emulator of Jesus Christ.
So often people get obsessed over their political leaders to the point where they make them idols. In this modern present evil age of political idolatry.
When a “Christian” church makes the emphasis of their messages wrap around political leaders then they have disconnected themselves from our Lord Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God, and the Way of God. They have conformed themselves to the ways of this world. Becoming unknowing servants for Satan the Devil ── who is “the god of this age” – 2 Corinthians 4:4.
Satan the Devil has beguiled the whole world. There’s not a person that lives, or has lived, on planet Earth that at some point or another hasn’t been beguiled by “the wicked one” – 1 John 5:19. See also: Revelation 12:9 and John 8:44.
The “Christian” churches that have embraced political idolatry have become subject matter for Satan the Devil. Now, they may appear as “ministers of righteousness,” but are ── even unbeknownst to themselves ── ”false apostles, deceitful workers” – 2 Corinthians 11:12-15. See also: Galatians 1:6-9.
So, don’t get bent out of shape when you see “Christian” leaders ── or for that matter, political leaders ── that don’t have “Christian values” about them.
They’ve not been allowed to gain the knowledge to properly understand. Now, they might have a portion of understanding in certain areas where leadership is needed in this corrupt and vile world, but not in the LORD God’s will or the Law of God. Now, some may embrace some of the Law of God ── but nearly none have yet to embrace all of the Law of God in this 21st-century world.
Praying Always For Our Leaders
We should be praying always for our leaders that the LORD God will allow them to have a proper portion of knowledge for understanding in the LORD God’s Way ──to help lead us as a nation.
And this goes for whoever is in office ── whether you personally like them or not. No matter what side of the political fence you are on.
Sadly, a great many so-called Christians ── those who say they fear God ── will awaken each day and begin to spew utter vile, disgust, and hatred, for their political leaders ── all because of their political idol worship towards a different political leader. It is truly disheartening. A great many people just live in their tiny box of religiosity. They can’t allow themselves to live outside the box to see the light of their own deeds. They refuse. Because they have built up a haughtiness. They have clouded themselves with self-denial.
They certainly want to focus and pay great attention to any perceived wrongs (past or present) of a political leader ── when their attention is focused wrongly. Their focus should be seeking first and foremost the kingdom of God and His righteousness! – Matthew 6:33. They should not be focused on a world that is decaying around them, they should be focused on the glorious soon-coming kingdom of God! Which is of the Law of God, the will of God, the Way of God!
True Christians, in Romans 13:1-7, are instructed to obey the laws of the land as long as they do not contradict the Law of God; meaning that if a civic law from a government goes against a command of God’s, one should prioritize the LORD God’s Law instead.
As an example: In this modern present evil age of perversion, a time when the U.S. government was trying to claim that there are more than only two genders and that men can give birth to babies ── that is all influenced by Satan the Devil. The LORD God’s begotten children should abhor evil, stand against evil, speak out against wrongdoings, and seek truth and righteousness!
Satan the Devil has his evil hooks fully in our modern Democratic Party far more than our modern Republican Party.
That is why I have personally labeled the modern Democratic Party as the political party of Satan the Devil. Because, more than any other party, they have promoted untold abominations as a way of life. They cause the citizens of the United States of America to commit abominations against the LORD God! Thus, revealing themselves as the political party of Satan the Devil.
Now, that is not to say that the Trump Administration is a “saintly” administration. It is, however, far more on track with the will of the LORD God than the Leftist lunatics! (Have you watched Selena Gomez lately?).
We should vote for and then follow the political leader who is displaying a greater portion of God’s Way – which comes from the Spirit of God.
So, keep this always in mind ── the LORD God places our political leaders in office. The LORD God allows them a portion of knowledge for understanding.
Don’t ever think any political leader of this present evil age is wrapped around the LORD God ── because they are not. Now, that is not to say that the LORD God won’t work with them to a certain extent, because They have ── and They will continue to do so. □
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