Last Sabbath night – or rather early Sunday morning – as I lay in bed trying to go to sleep. A title to a message came into my mind. Be Strong In the Lord. Then, just as quickly, Scriptures from God’s living word flashed throughout my mind. I quickly jumped out of bed, entered our office, grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper, and jotted down the Scriptures.
The first passage that came to my mind was Ephesians 6:10. Let’s turn in our Bibles and read this verse.
The power of His might is THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Before I begin this Sabbath, I would like to thank our Brethren and Friends in Clonee, Ireland; Brussels, Belgium; Prineville, Oregon; Forth Worth, Texas; and of course our dear brethren and friends in Fayetteville, North Carolina; and Anderson, Alabama. Welcome. And thank you all for joining us this Sabbath for the Church of Jesus Christ Online Ministries.
Now, Satan the Devil is our adversary. He is our physical and spiritual enemy. He and his minions are seeking to destroy our Lord Jesus’ Church, and you along with it. We must always be prepared to fight and to win our spiritual battles.
Notice 1st Timothy chapter 1.
Verse 18.
The apostle Paul knew that we, dear Brethren, both in his day and throughout all generations, would be involved in many tribulations, troubles, trials, tests, and even sufferings for our Lord Jesus Christ. This is why he wrote Timothy and told him – and by extension, us as well – to wage a good warfare.
Notice 2nd Timothy chapter 2.
Verses 3 & 4.
Brethren war is nothing new to the living Church of God. Over and over throughout God’s living word God’s people have been involved in wars. Our Lord Jesus’ Church has always been in one war or another. Though we wrestle not against human beings, but rather we wrestle against the spiritual forces of the evil one – Satan the Devil. He marshals against us in trying always to discredit us and even to destroy the very work of the Eternal One.
Over the weekend my wife and I held a family get-together. And my sister-in-law was lamenting over the fact that she “lost” a great many of her family members to death. Either by suicide, cancer, or by a bleeding ulcer. And she had said that this great loss had affected her throughout half of last year.
In her expression of grief and sorrow, she called me a “winebibber,” because I was having a beer. She knew me before I was converted.
Again, and I recognized it immediately, Satan the Devil - we wrestle not against human beings, but rather we wrestle against the spiritual forces of the evil one. Satan the Devil trying his best to discredit me. Well, I love her. And I pray for her always. Wanting no ill will to come to her or her family.
Well, the soundness of wisdom will be judged by the fruit of her wisdom.
Now, our Lord Jesus Christ has said, “’ I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’”
Brethren, His Church will prevail throughout the rest of this present evil age. But will you?
To ensure that you will not become a casualty of this war against the evil one – Satan the Devil’s demonic kingdom – you should enlist in the army of our Almighty God!
But first, just like what I went through myself, you must go through a battery of tests to determine your character and your mental fitness. Some of these stories I have told a few times. Tests from God that I went through. And, looking back, I know them to be tests. This was before I was converted. Before I rightly repented, was properly baptized, and had hands laid upon me, receiving the glorious gift of the Holy Spirit.
Once, as I was walking out of a truck stop, an exquisitely dressed man began calling after me, “Hey, can I get a ride!?” As I turned around I saw that this well-groomed man was dressed in the finest dark suit I had ever seen, with gold cufflinks, a gold chain, a gold wristwatch, and shiny black dress shoes. A chill ran up my spine. As I kept walking, he began following me and called out again, “Hey, can I get a ride!? I just got off the bus.” I had assumed that he meant a Greyhound Bus, although he didn’t have any luggage – and I had not seen hardly anyone at the truck stop, so I knew he wasn’t telling the truth. “No, I’m not going to give you a ride,” I said sternly, as I continued walking away from him. He began to follow more briskly, “I’m just going down the road.” Then he stopped suddenly and yelled, “You’re not going to give me a ride!” – which was more of a statement than a question.
Friends, I truly believe that this was a demon, trying to trick me! He knew that I would soon belong to Jesus Christ! What would have happened if I had allowed him in my truck? That time the test was successful – I won the battle. I… was STRONG IN THE LORD!
There were other times that I had failed miserably. It’s a learning process.
For I have seen an angel of the LORD face to face. Very possibly several. And, I have a story – Back a few years ago now, when I was driving a tractor-trailer over the road heading for California Again, before conversion. I had pulled into a truck stop for the night as it was just getting dusk, and I saw this old woman walking across the parking lot. She appeared to be wearing nothing but a filthy, ragged blanket. She passed all the other trucks, and just as I pulled the airbrakes – she was standing next to my truck looking up at me with very kind eyes. As I slowly rolled down the driver-side window, she asked very quietly, “Do you have a blanket?”
And I thought to myself – she already has a blanket. I quickly replied, “No, I don’t have a blanket!” Without saying another word, she turned and walked out into the desert and out of sight. But I had an extra blanket – in fact, I had two extra blankets that I always brought with me. And, the thought then struck me – I had just failed the test. And I said to the LORD, “O’ Lord GOD! I have failed!”
Well, we, dear Brethren, were called to serve. And even though we passed the initial trials and tests, we are still just an enlistee – we’re still in basic training. But, the difference is we now have the gift of the Holy Spirit within us. And, as the apostle Paul wrote, “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.”
While in this training we must have proper nourishment. Both physical and spiritual. And God’s living eternal word tells us that for the Christian soldier proper nourishment is the living word of God. We are to be fed on the milk and the solid meat of the Word – speaking of the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ! And we must exercise the fruits of God’s Spirit. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We must also exercise discipline in studying and meditating on the word of God. Praying always to maintain our spiritual strength.
We must also learn to use weapons. In one sermon, I believe it was a sermon, I went through, step-by-step, the Elementary Principles of Christ. And we must also go on to perfection. These spiritual weapons are described for us back in the Book of Ephesians – where we began in this message. Ephesians chapter 6. I’ll cover these with you in a little while here.
Another important lesson we must learn is how to take orders. Sadly, this is something that a lot of ministers have a difficult time with. Many believe that once they reach that pinnacle of standing behind the lectern, they no longer need to listen to their fellow servants. With many, their heads become bloated and even twisted, and then some sadly lose the Spirit of God altogether. So, we must learn to take orders. Because – God willing – when we make it into the born family of God, we will still have to take orders. When your Commander tells you, “’ I want you to go do this!’” You must go and do that. Being a soldier in Christ is a team endeavor.
I once had a so-called minister – and now a filthy, vile, and rotting minister, a Liberace of his ministry – I once had him say to me that competition between ministers is a good thing! It is not! Was the apostles of Christ in competition with each other? Did they rival against each other? No. We each cannot just charge off with our bayonets attached, and run in whatever direction we choose. Any military – to win battles, is UNIFIED. And it is directed from the very top – as is the army of God!
Once our basic training is complete before our conversion, we are ready for solid food. We are ready for deployment. The foundation should be fully understood, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. In the case of the LORD God’s Army – we are full of the glorious Spirit of God!
We must now learn COURAGE.
Turn with me to the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 20.
Verse 1.
Brethren, when we look today throughout the world, many of our attackers are mighty in power. I was attacked one Feast of Tabernacles Season, and the sycophant leader wanted to put me in front of their rulers, and authorities – to chastise me and persecute me. They certainly have more power and prestige than I do. Yet, the LORD God’s power is unmatched – and God gave me the wisdom of how to handle myself.
Verse 2.
Verses 3 – 8.
Notice that the fearful and those faint of heart were told that they weren’t even wanted near the brave men. The Lord our God wants people in His spiritual military who will strap on the Armor of God and will fight with unwavering faith, devotion, and veracity against our enemy – Satan the Devil and his minions – until complete victory! Until an unconditional surrender of the enemy.
The LORD God – the family of God, which at this present time consists of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ – desires soldiers who are STRONG IN THE LORD! Who are spiritually strong enough to begin this journey, and those who are strong enough to endure whatever trial, test, tribulation, or suffering may come, with the LORD God’s help to the end of our fight.
A great many – and I speak of this very thing in a THINK ABOUT THIS… The Nicolaitans – a great many, the overall majority, have thrown this precious knowledge and our Savior’s sacrifice away. And then some place a mask on and – like a Hollywood actor – pretend to be a “minister of righteousness.” So, we needed to be tested and tried before conversion.
In the Book of Hebrews chapter 2.
We read in verse 10 that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Captain of our salvation. He is the Captain of His Church, and we, His spiritual military, His Army! And, like I said earlier – we are in a warfare.
When our enemies are lobbying spiritual mortar rounds at us – our Lord Jesus Christ is our SHIELD!
Turn with me and notice the Book of Psalm chapter 33.
Verse 8.
The people of this world will soon stand in awe of the LORD God. But right now – you brethren – should always be standing in awe of the LORD God. And if we stand STRONG IN THE LORD TOGETHER we are going to shake kingdoms with this Message from the LORD God far more powerfully than anything else we could do.
Verse 9.
Verses 10 – 12.
Truly blessed are those who are in our Lord Jesus’ Church whom God the Father has chosen for His inheritance.
Verses 13-20.
Brethren, as long as we are pleasing the LORD God, and doing the will of God, we have NOTHING to fear in any battle.
Back in 2022, I gave a sermon entitled, “We Are At War!” And this is even more true today! We Are At War! And we need to always keep in our minds – will I win!? Will I be victorious!?
Turning a page, notice chapter 34 of Psalm.
Beginning in verse 7.
Let us fully realize, again, as long as we are pleasing the LORD God, and doing the will of God, and we have a right heart, a right spirit, a right attitude, and keep in constant communion with our Captain, the Captain of our salvation – our Lord Jesus Christ – His angels will protect us from danger!
You know, it was a tragic thing that just happened in New Orleans. And our hearts and prayers go out to the victims' families and friends in their loss – may the LORD God truly comfort them. But, if you are being led by the Spirit of God, you are a child of God – and if a child of God – you would not have been there on Bourbon Street participating and celebrating a pagan holiday.
We MUST have endurance and strength.
Sometimes, we will find ourselves in the heat of battle, and we will need endurance and strength.
Notice again, verse 7.
So, in conclusion, let’s go over the Armor of God that we must wear.
Again, Ephesians chapter 6.
We should always be looking upon ourselves as soldiers for Christ! And that we are fighting a battle against the evil one – Satan the Devil. And there might be times when Satan the Devil appears to give you a low blow, an unfair blow – so he can destroy you. But as long as you ARE STRONG IN THE LORD he will not succeed.
Ephesians chapter 6.
Beginning in verse 10
Verses 11 – 16.
The SHIELD OF FAITH. The assurance in the LORD God. That the LORD God is faithful. That the LORD God will never leave you or forsake you. That the LORD God is always beside you. And that the LORD God will help fight our battles with us.
Verse 18.
We should be praying constantly for all the saints! Here in the United States of America – in North America, and around the world! All the saints.
Brethren, I have looked at our analytics for our YouTube channel. Our audience is mostly men, ages 55 to 64. Many of us, dear Brethren, have long received our basic training. Many of us have had years of experience now in the spiritual Army of the Lord our God. We’ve had skirmishes throughout all these years that we’ve been in service to the Lord Jesus. But now, as we get closer to the end of this present evil age, brethren, we are in a fierce fight with Satan the Devil, and his demons. He knows that he has but a short time left. And as we are so close to victory – let us keep in mind Proverbs 3:6 - In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Satan desires more than anything that we would just quit. Or let a young idol get in our way.
PUSH HIM ASIDE MY DEAR BROTHER! And take the reigns of our Captain, let Him lead you through this field of battle!
Thank you for listening this Sabbath!
Until next time, this is Leonard V Johnson for the Church of Jesus Christ Online Ministries.
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